One Week In: Challenge time!


Well, it’s been a week and the new site is growing right before our eyes! It’s great seeing you all so active in the forums and comments and contributing your questions, thoughts and insights. That’s how we grow and learn together!

There’s one thing you can do TODAY to really help us out – tell three friends about what we’re doing here, and why you think they might enjoy a free Community Membership account! It doesn’t sound like much but it will make a bigger difference than you can know so the challenge is on – post a comment below with who you shared us with today!

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Tells or Reading Offers We Can’t Refuse

Before the daily Covid grind, back when I left my house more than once a week, I’d be at a gathering or dinner and somehow someone would mention some sort of game. One of my friends or loved ones would say, “oh you should ask Chris, he’s pretty good at poker.”
