2024 Home Games by the Numbers

Now that 2024 is completed it’s time to review some of the accomplishments in our home games.
For all of the stats in gory detail you can check out: RecPokerStats_2024.xlsx
Most Wins
Eric Anderson earned 20 wins. Stuart Kerridge was the next closest with 17 wins. Jeff S and Kim Kilroy tied for third with 15 wins each
- EANDERSON85 (Eric Anderson) – 20
- Stueyy13 (Stuart Kerridge) – 17
- TIED jsettem (Jeff S) – 15
- TIED PetVet33 (Kim Kilroy) -15
Most Played
Nobody played all 423 home games that we offered last year, but a few came close.
- EANDERSON85 (Eric Anderson) – 414
- evilroyca (David Westerveld) – 409
- isnnma ([Private]) – 378
Most Pins
Nobody won the theoretical maximum of ten pins (Daily Bronze, Daily TOC Siver, NLHE Bronze, NLHE POY Silver, NLHE TOC Silver, MIXED Bronze, MIXED POY Silver MIXED TOC Silver, Go For the Gold and Silver Lifetime Achievement) that were possible in 2024, but 2 people won 4 pins, four people won 3 pins, 18 people won 2, 21 people won 2, and 78 people won 1 pin.
3 pin winners
- bonecrusher14 (Marcel Dusyk) – 3 Pins (NLHE Bronze, MIXED Bronze, MIXED POY Silver, Daily Bronze)
- evilroyca (David Westerveld) – 3 Pins (NLHE Bronze, NLHE POY Silver, Daily Bronze, Daily TOC Silver)
Most Cashes
Here are the most consistent cashers:
- MikeB172 (Mike Baer) – 66 (18%)
- evilroyca (David Westerveld) – 66 (16%)
- Stueyy13 (Stuart Kerridge) – 65 (21%)
Best ROI with at least 100 tournaments played
Here is the best return on investment for players with 100 or more tournaments. An ROI of 0% is break even. An ROI of 100 % would mean you would double every dollar (play chip) that you spent on buy-ins.
- bonecrusher14 (Marcel Dusyk) – 62%
- combinkley (Eric Gin) – 43%
- PetVet33 (Kim Kilroy) – 39%
We look forward to playing with you all in 2025!!!