Daily Series (Intl) – December 11, 2021

International Series – 8:00 AM Central Time

jsettem (Jeff S) battled windowguy1954 (Howie Garren) heads up prior to defeating a field of 14 players to earn his second Daily Series title in 2021 for an International event.

chrisjatsea (Chris), elvis76 (Steve Kreps), dontchase666 (Joseph Armstrong), evilroyca (David Westerveld), eastcoastbidder (Ben), RickTheGoodDog (Rick “Rock” Ohman), and osloborger (Trond Vidar Stensby) rounded out the final table.

8 AM Results

PokerStars Tournament #3313685234, No Limit Hold’em
Buy-In: 17000/3000
14 players
Total Prize Pool: 238000
Tournament started 2021/12/11 9:00:00 ET
Tournament finished 2021/12/11 10:35:32 ET
1: jsettem (United States), 119,000 (50%)
2: windowguy1954 (United States), 71,400 (30%)
3: chrisjatsea (United Kingdom), 47,600 (20%)
4: elvis76 (United States),
5: dontchase666 (United States),
6: evilroyca (Canada),
7: eastcoastbidder (Canada),
8: RickTheGoodDog (United States),
9: osloborger (Norway),
10: MaxKaos2112 (United States),
11: gibber3 (United States),
12: isnnma (United States),
13: 7high11 (United States),
14: McVean (Canada),

International Series – 2:00 PM Central Time

isnnma (Spike) battled appleomyi (Harold Berry) heads up prior to defeating a field of 18 players to earn his sixth Daily Series title in 2021 for an International event.

mbabker (Michael Babker), hawesy08 ([Private]), jsettem (Jeff S), Torrinar (Joshua Campbell), combinkley (Eric Gin), chrisjatsea (Chris), and gfhawk (Eric Romo) rounded out the final table.

2 PM Results

PokerStars Tournament #3313886822, No Limit Hold’em
Buy-In: 17000/3000
18 players
Total Prize Pool: 306000
Tournament started 2021/12/11 15:00:00 ET
Tournament finished 2021/12/11 17:20:26 ET
1: isnnma (United States), 153,000 (50%)
2: appleomyi (Canada), 91,800 (30%)
3: mbabker (United States), 61,200 (20%)
4: hawesy08 (United States),
5: jsettem (United States),
6: Torrinar (United States),
7: combinkley (United States),
8: chrisjatsea (United Kingdom),
9: gfhawk (United States),
10: RickTheGoodDog (United States),
11: trey371 (United States),
12: dontchase666 (United States),
13: RozzyQ (United States),
14: evilroyca (Canada),
15: JasperJr (United States),
16: kekgeek65 (United States),
17: dandresg (United States),
18: Kekgeek (United States),

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