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  • Lost value on tourney run?

    Posted by fivebyfive on September 15, 2021 at 3:53 pm

    Here’s a hand I think I misplayed, but it presents a tricky river spot. Curious how others would approach it. We’re just past the rebuy period, but not really that close to the money. We are 36bb effective and cover villain with a 48bb stack. Villain opens to 2bb from the LJ. We defend from the big blind with 8d9d.

    Flop comes 10sJh2c. Goes ck ck.

    Turn is 7s. We decide to lead small here for 2.12 bb. Villain calls.

    Pot is 9.5 bb and we are 32bb effective. River is the As. This is such a tricky spot to extract value. We’re rarely behind here. I think the only spade combos left that play this way are something like JsX. Really the only hand I fear right now is KQ. But not all combos play this way, so I’m really never folding. I’m thinking I will likely extract value from Ax holdings and even most Jx holdings by betting or checking. And I may even be called when I check raise against some Ax holdings, particularly AJ. But by checking, I may be able to get the bluffs to take a stab. I will be check raising any bet. But villain checks back Qs10c.

    Is this just happening too much on this board and so I need to lead more? How do you approach this river?

    imalouigi replied 3 years, 4 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • petvet

    September 15, 2021 at 5:06 pm

    I ran this spot in RangeTrainerPro post flop SRP 40bb MP2 vs BB. The villain should not be checking here on this flop, solver wants a small bet most of the time(see pic1). When villain checks back, it mostly likes a check on the turn but when we lead, it likes a big lead most of the time (75% pot – see pic2). On the Ace river our hand wants to lead 100% of the time and for full pot! (pic3)

    If we know we are up against such a passive opponent, I like the lead on both the turn and river.

    These images show the hand as played, however they change to some degree if we do make the larger turn sizing – get more folds and likes a half pot on river when called.

  • rabman50

    September 16, 2021 at 5:41 pm

  • taylormaas

    September 17, 2021 at 12:20 pm

    I agree with petvet. I like leading big on both turn and river here. We can sometimes convince ourselves that we want them to call since we have the nuts, so we bet small to make sure they call. But that’s the wrong way of approaching it, sometimes we can maximize value by betting bigger and getting called less often.

  • imalouigi

    September 28, 2021 at 2:04 pm

    We can very strongly discount KQ as V checked back this favorable flop. We should expect V to be continuation betting here almost 100%, without a made hand, as the pre-flop aggressor. V is happy getting a fold with KQ here or building a pot with a very strong drawing hand in position.

    I do agree there are not too many back door flushes in his range from a LJ open.

    I am leading river for value as the river Ace is fantastic for his calling range. I would bet 1/3 to 1/2 pot, targeting calls by all aces and most jacks. There are not many natural bluffs to try an induce here and V will be checking back a lot of hands with showdown value.

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