SMART Goal Help 2025
Having just listened to Sky on the end of last year’s podcast about Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time bound (SMART) goals. I have been working on some of my own, and do feel I have a grasp on a couple of them (but could always use help).
If you didn’t know, I have (quite) a few health complications that make it so I don’t get to do a whole lot and in 2021 it finally got too complicated to try and hold a career. Part of my issues are cognition related so I came to use poker as both an avenue to find a hobby, and as a way to see if my brain is actually working (newsflash some days just don’t play poker for real money!). I also got in a car wreck this year where I was the middle car in a 3 car crunch and couldn’t move without severe pain for nearly 3 months and I gained 50lbs and wrecked my budget until October. All that said is to point out I have some personal health related goals in here as well.
Health Goal:
By December of 2025 I will walk for 30 minutes a day at least 10 times in that month.
*To do this I will take a progressive approach by starting with 9 min- 10 days dec 20204, and increase by a minute each month as able. (there is lingering back and rib pain that right now 15 minutes is my max on my feet without hunching over).
*I’m staying accountable by posting a walking log each week to a friend of mine
*I need some rewards to give myself for reaching the 10 days a month, haven’t figured that out.
Poker playing goals:
I will play 30k hands of online cash poker in 2025:
Progression: I will play 3000 hands each month.
* Every 1k hands I will allow myself to eat out (this works with both budget and health!)
*Accountability will post regularly here and let my coach know how it is going.
I will play 11 rec poker daily/weekly events with at least one being a mixed game.
*so aim for 1 per month, accountability posting in here, and still need a reward since I’m giving away chips and all.
I will play at least 10 bar league poker tournaments in my area next year (1 a month).
* accountability log here and reward is well eating at that place (one place has excellent brisket, so mouth is watering already).
I will play ## of online (or in person if something comes up) tournaments next year (same step progression make it by month make it so I can miss 2 whole months b/c illness sucks)
* accountability log in here, need a reward.
Poker learning goals next year
Here is where I need the most help I want this to be about studying and somehow measuring what I’m getting better at. Right now I have 3 “vague” (aka bad) goals of:
1) improve post flop play (understanding flop textures and how they hit/miss my and my opponents ranges)
2) solidify my preflop ranges for tournaments at 20, 40, 60bb
3) Solidfy push fold under 10bb and call off for <10 and up to 15 bb.
I would really appreciate the help of others as sometimes when you stare at your own work for too long you can’t edit it. Also, this could be a place for all of us to get help on or state our SMART goals for next year.
Take Care
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