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  • fivebyfive

    July 7, 2020 at 12:08 pm

    I love overbet spots, but I don’t think this is one on the turn. The reason being is that after the flop checks through, as V I may check through some Kx, some pairs like 77-QQ, and then some trash. That turn card is awesome for your range, but as such and this may seem counterintuitive, I don’t like the overbet. The reason being is that if I’m holding 75 or 66, I really want to get some value for my hand and keep hands like 88 in the hand. With those nutted holdings, I think we should lead something like half pot and plan to follow through with an overbet on most rivers. So we should do the same with this holding.

    If I’m V in this spot and I see an overbet on turn, that seems like a go away bet, and I’m shrinking your range away from nutted value. It seems much more like 6x with draws or high equity straight/flush draws. So if I have say 77-QQ or Kx, I’m calling this bet. And then when the river pairs the board, the 6x stuff got there, so I’m not loving it, but it is still a better card than some, so I’m likely calling your river bet. However, if you half pot the turn, to me that keeps 75 and 66 and K6 etc. in range because those hands are looking to preserve value on turns and punish on rivers. So if I see a half pot turn and then a overbet river, now I’m in the grinder and likely folding.