so far my favourite comment @Binkley you are absolutely correct that your line of flop/turn will get more hands to come along on the turn than my turn/river line will on the river, that’s an excellent point. Can we do that with a balanced range while also having a balanced shoving range on the flop at this stack size? I guess it doesn’t matter because this line is meant to be exploitive-only anyway. Hey @JonLutsey what do you think, would you have called a tiny bet on the flop in that spot? He did call a 3bet preflop so there’s a better chance than usual that he has a not-terrible holding that can stand up to a few different flop textures. Maybe that was a better line! I think because we had just been discussing this exact spot 5 minutes earlier he still would have raised some red flags, even with a small cbet. If stacks were deeper, then a smaller cbet seems like clearly the better option, even on such a perfectly dry board.