I think binkley hit on a big point here, they can’t apply that much ICM pressure on us because they only cover us by a small amount. Also, the short stack is short, but not incredibly short.
With a hand this strong, I don’t think I can find a fold. When I first read this, I mistakenly thought you only had middle pair which would be an easy fold. But having a hand that dominates so many top pair combos, and if we win we can virtually lock up first place, this is a call IMO.
A call, but not one that we ever should be excited to make. By playing this pot, the ICM of each persons stack will end up less than their combined ICM at the moment. Said another way, the short stack gains A TON of equity here which takes away equity from both you and your opponent. There’s so many reasons to avoid playing hands vs other big stacks in big ICM spots.