Nice fun hands, almost like I was there too!…here are some of my thoughts…curious what others think.
Hand#1 – I like that V has a suited hand in this situation, but it would depend on your image on calling…if I think you would only jam with big pairs and Aces, or have more of those speculative hands….I’d wanna call with AJsuited against opponents with wider ranges since I only invested 2BB so far. I think this is close though and would call it off with 1010+ and AQs+
Hand#2 – I like option 2, I’d be betting small to get called by draws and Aces, then betting larger on most turns unless diamonds get there and we get led into.
Hand#3- I think this is a fold, big overbet since we lose to better top pairs and straights…we are just ahead of missed flushes and some weaker pairs (which probably don’t need the big bet with some showdown value).
Hand #4 – This seems like a fold and wait for a better spot since villian usually has two overs to our small pair and we drop to last place if we lose this coin flip type situation. I rather be applying the pressure than receiving it when stacks are so l close together.