Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 25, 2020 at 12:33 pmI agree. We are starting to see this type of thing more frequently from folks in a mental health capacity as a result of the prolonged isolation. Not saying anything about him personally of course, but it is an interesting dynamic that is happening. The scary part is that we are seeing it in kiddos at an alarming rate. There seems to be an underlying aggressive response to the fear of being non relevant as it pertains to others’ views. Meaning: My perceived relevance is based upon those in the public and not those in my close personal life. Kiddos are so easily influenced by likes, shares, retweets, victory royales, etc. that they strongly correlate that with relevance. On the Daniel thing specifically, I am at a loss. You hit the nail on the head that is seemed theatrical. Could be a side affect of a workout chemical?