RecPoker Forums

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  • jim

    August 3, 2020 at 11:19 am

    maybe we could make a group or something for people who are trying to build or refine prelop ranges? I think if we tried to work together on it starting in September or something we could really improve our results by sharing our work with each other. Maybe even a Zoom call every two weeks for the people that were interested? I think it could take awhile to explore it properly, and as rec players we all have jobs etc and only so many hours to spend in the lab each week. But when I did it last time it was very manageable in bite-sized chunks, and I think doing it collectively online would mean that we could leave our work in place and come back to it when we had time, and see what others had thought about it. Hey @SteveFredlund @FiveByFive maybe this could be a “project” or a “course” that RecPoker offered, kind of building from the seminar primers and expanding on them in a topic-focused recurring study group, and we could make the videos and study materials available to members later in the archives? Kind of like the Book Study but for topics instead of books.