oooooffff what a weird spot – the flop texture and the sizing of the donk bet make for a polarized range imo, or at least polarized relative to our holdings in this exact spot. We could argue whether it is nevertheless capped or not according to how often that player would prefer to XR over lead, but with your hand I don’t think it really matters in this spot. You’re ahead of all of their one-diamond and s8 draw hands, and you’re behind the sets, straights, and flushes they choose to lead with. If you call and no-one else does, they’ll have a more than pot-sized bet behind, and if one other person calls behind you they’ll have a less than pot-sized bet behind. If you called, are you ever winning any additional future chips in the pot “good” according to the runout? Even IP it seems like you’d need info on the foe to make that the best option in the long run if they can bluff at you in a balanced fashion. Folding is never a TERRIBLE idea in a multiway pot with a bluffcatcher hand, but again it really comes down to the range you assign this donk bet, and how likely the players behind will come along. If I could convince myself that the SB was donking wide and that “their bet plus my shove” combo would convince the LP players to fold some hands we didn’t want to be sharing equity with and we either take it down there or get HU vs the SB in a spot where we are behind most of the time but have enough equity to make it worth shoving – hmmmm poker is hard? Starting the hand with 60 BBs makes me less inclined to shove it with players left to act and holding 2pr on a mono s8 flop in a 2x pot. Even if they’re holding an overpair with a diamond you’re not exactly loving life to the river, and they probably don’t donk and then call the shove any lighter than that, do they? How much of their donking range do they fold to the shove? That’s your fold equity. Is there enough of it? Great spot to analyse @ARW – what do the combos tell you lol?