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  • fivebyfive

    August 9, 2020 at 10:40 am

    <div>I don’t quite know how someone survives this kind of entitlement tilt. This is a great spot for KK. You love this call in that position. Plus, if this player plays much longer, they’re going to be called down there by MUCH worse and lose in this spot. Just yesterday somebody called my 4bet 50bb jam with KhKd with 4h3h. 3 hearts came, alas, the 4th did not. All you can say is good game and move on.

    Some people make big mistakes and get there. That’s the game. Your call was not a mistake at all. One thing to note though, when I see a player go crazy like this, I add a little note to them to tighten my ranging of them on future shoves if I see them again. They clearly have a view of themselves that they wouldn’t have some of the expanded hands in their range that we talked about in these posts. The question they’re asking: “how could you call with AK there?” suggests someone who expects to be way ahead of AK in that exact spot. So that’s someone who may have a very snug shoving range (QQ+?) in this exact spot. So I’d make a note of it if I ever saw them again.
