During the hand, I was in tunnel vision and failed to collect all the information. I’m sure I’m not alone…I hit the flop, thought I was ahead, and went with it.
Why did I think I was ahead?
— donk bet looked weak
— I could beat all the bluffs (lol)
— my stack size forced my action (push or fold)
Tunnel vision caused me to miss out on key information:
— 5 handed with 3 players yet to act
— I lose to the entire value range (lol)
— the villain bet the full size of the pot
— I have very little fold equity (if any) where someone will fold a better hand
In conclusion, I played this hand very bad. I overestimated the strength of my hand on this flop and made an error by jamming. At the time, I thought I played it correctly and even defended my play in the chatbox (lol). It’s important to note that this is why I review my hands and check my work. My first goal is to learn from my mistakes whenever possible.
This is a tough but correct fold a high majority of the time.