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  • jim

    August 11, 2020 at 11:49 am

    Yup, you guys are hard to beat – @Binkley you are correct in the leveling war, and @ARW you are correct that the min bet made me think there was some fold equity to be had there. In fact i was holding 76s and raised the flop as a pretty standard semi-bluff despite the paired board because it is also a good cbet spot vs a small blind calling range. I think the foe should be trying to exploit my wide 2betting range there and light 3bets are as good a tool as any. while I block some of the flush draw combos we’d like them to have here, it’s hard to find many other 4bet candidates that block value that I would have included in a 2bet range as well. So if I want to shove value here I need a few bluff combos to balance that out.

    What are some other better bluff candidates? Hands that block KX like QJx? Trading “blocker value” for “equity when called value” is a healthy tension that I struggle with a lot. Maybe the paired board should incline me towards blocker raises instead of FD raises here.

    This hand is a good counter-example to another post I just made about 3-bet shoving the turn. It was also a paired board with a flush draw, but in that case I shoved with value to strengthen a shoving range, and in this case I was basically playing a numbers game and hoping they had the weak part of their range this time. It feels like a weakness in my game that I need to spend some time on – postflop lines vs particular villain types, choosing when to pull the trigger, and why. Maybe a seminar topic one of these days!