25 people left but any ICM considerations? How many get paid?
In general with 16 bigs and UTG with TT, I’m just open shoving pre-flop. If I choose to just raise, it would take a very unique spot for me to lay it down with that stack size.
As played, you open UTG and UTG+1 3-bets, both of you with “get it in” size stacks. That should make the HJ range (even with 15 bigs) quite strong.
You mentioned the two options of fold or call all-in; we actually have a few more chips than HJ so the third alternative of re-shove is another option. For me, as played, this is a fold or shove spot for sure.
It feels nitty to fold for sure, but what are they doing this with? I mean we have 16 bigs and min raising UTG…. UTG+1 should be strong to 3-bet us here; likely 99+ and AQ+ I would think. The HJ should really be quite strong here even with a short stack unless they are a ‘gambler’ and would make this play with some suited connector/suited gapper type hands.
I will let a wizard run the numbers here, but I think UTG+1 should be 99+ and AQ+ and if HJ is pretty solid, I would expect them to have TT+, AK because they should not expect to have much fold equity here. Taking out the TT leaves me up against 18 combos of over-pairs and 16 combos of AK.
I can fold here and have 14-15 bigs left or get it in. We may have the odds mathematically when UTG+1 calls or folds behind us. I guess tournament situation would dictate if this is an ICM/low volatility stage or a building/consolidating time where we may need a bit more gamble and hope that enough of the time we are up against hands like 99, AJ/AQ/AK, and a few random 87 suiteds
Excited about the wizard breakdowns.