So this worked out for you in the end, but I don’t love the play. We have an EP limp, a HJ raise, and then a button and SB flat before the action folds to you with 9 bb. So let’s think about these ranges that get us here.
The EP limp is likely wide and not that strong. I’m not too worried about raising them all in.
The HJ raise is a decently strong range, but has some room for being a late position player trying to punish a limper. Still, this range is likely comprised of Broadway holdings, pairs, and some strong suited hands.
The Button and in particular the Small Blind flats should be much narrower ranges. They should not include the true premium holdings, nor should they include trickier reverse implied odds hands. So there should be a lot of things like pairs up to 88 and a few marginal Ax holdings like AJ and A10 suited.
When we jam 9 bb, our opponents need to only call 6 bb into a now very large pot. So we have very little fold equity. We will likely be taking this multiway without much in the way of fold equity against pairs that we need to outdraw and Ax holdings that may have us in jail.
Sometimes where we’re getting short and we keep getting garbage like 3s9c and we see a hand like this, it’s very tempting to shove no matter what. But with this much action in front of me and without much in the way of fold equity, I think we’re better off folding to fight another day.
I’m curious if others disagree.