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  • tvstensby

    November 25, 2020 at 2:20 am

    In general, when playing vs maniacs/bullies it is important to determine if they are “calling like maniacs” or “raising like maniacs”. When they are calling too much you can raise big/push into them, but if they prefer to be the aggressive part you need to induce with a small bet and then call wider than normal. In both cases you need to embrace variance as you will be eliminated often.

    In order to explore the pushing strategy further I created a CardrunnersEV scenario where the hero pushes 30bb into two players/maniacs. Both villains use the same calling ranges, but when the first villain calls the second only overcalls with one quarter of the calling range (i.e. 40% calling range leads to 10% overcalling range).

    I then created a chart that shows which hands that will profit more than roughly one big blind vs different villain calling ranges. Notice that when both villains calls with 75% of hands you still need to fold 67% of the time.

    I have not considered any “normal” players behind the maniacs. That will shrink the number of profitable hands further.