I agree this is a call.
Here’s the thing, what spades does V have that plays like this? We block all Ax of spades, and I don’t think a lot of marginal spade hands get here from the SB. So let’s be really generous, SB has maybe 4 spade combos: J10, KJ, K10, 109…and even when SB has these, why on earth are they donk shoving? Those play far better as check raises into a player from the BB that raised. It’s maybe a little less clear if villain has sets. Those hands make more sense to me with this action than flushes. I don’t think V can have QQ, but 55 and 33 make sense with this preflop action.
But even against those rare sets, we have some decent equity. So I think this is a slam dunk call, especially because it is only 29 bb. If they covered us, it would still be a call, but a little less clear.
For the record, given this action, I’d be less happy about it, and I think it is more debatable, but I’m likely still calling this shove with two red aces.