On this board AQ is either way ahead or way behind. The equity vs 66 (the worst hand you are behind) is only 9.1% while the equity vs T9 (the best hand you are ahead of) is 81.8%. The risk of being overtaken is small and you should be focusing on getting value from worse hands.
Do you think that the line the villain took (call, check-call, lead) indicates a linear or polar range? It is a line I am unfamiliar with, but I would lean towards a polar range.
Jamming into a polar range often results in your opponent calling with better and folding worse since the weak hands in his range are poor bluff catchers. I therefore think that a call is best here.
If you think that the villain leads the turn with a linear range that contains weaker two pair and top pair type hands, then jamming can be good.
Regarding villain’s play. I think that both check-raising the flop or check-calling flop and then check-raising turn are better ways to play bottom set than to lead the turn.