I like Kim and Rob’s reply, not sure I would shove 10’s in this spot in real time though, but I feel I’m a bit too passive at times. I think with 9 or 10 BBs (antes) in the pot I would not have enough fold equity against at least 3 players, so I would call. I think I am getting enough implied odds if I hit a 10 to put in 8% of my stack against 3+ players with position. If I was OOP I would shove. I think the hands I shove are JJ+, AK. Hands I call are AQs-A10s, A5s-A2s, 88, 99, 10/10, maybe KQs. I know I should be more balanced with shoves but at this stage in the tourney I would not think of it. I would have shoved after the reraise with 10/10+, AQs, AK and folded everything.