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  • monkiesystem

    December 18, 2020 at 9:14 pm

    First, I’m jealous because I wanna be in Vegas too… ????

    If we jam pre: Given V’s range we are a strong favorite if he calls. If he folds, picking up 5.5bb is a fine result for AKo.

    If we donk-jam: There’s less than a 20% probability that V already has the flush and even in that case we have 7 outs. He’s been a loose caller, but is he a wide caller of 27bb donk shove? Even so, 7.5bb is a nice pickup if he folds.

    If we check-call: Our SPR is 3-4. We are almost but not quite committed. We can still play poker on this street if V C-bets a normal amount. But what if V jams? Do you think his range gives us a snap call or a sigh-call?

    If we check-shove: If V folds we pull in a nice pot and fold out his equity. Do you think V will call this with any AQ? AQd only? AT?

    That’s more questions than answers, but I hope to cause more discussion of this interesting spot.