This seems exactly like how this hand should play out except I do think we should be betting larger on the turn with this hand. I would say this is one of those perfect large overbet spots. Maybe 2x pot.
Our opponent limped, so I don’t expect to ever see AsKs here. It is possible V can have some nut flushes, but some of those raise the flop, so I’m okay with a big overbet to charge the exact kind of hand we’re seeing V hold. Some players will fold that to a big bet and others won’t have the right odds to call, either way, we’re doing okay.
Once we reach the river as bet, V bets half pot into 6 million. We can’t fold this hand, but I don’t think a raise makes much sense even though we have the second nuts. V can still have some spades that lead here (Kx8s etc.), and while those should probably be check calls, that doesn’t mean they can’t be here.
So I like calling here. We’re definitely letting V set the price, which kind of stinks with such a strong hand. But this is a very As heavy range. So I’m calling and looking back on the turn as the place I might have played a little differently.