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  • fivebyfive

    January 12, 2021 at 12:47 pm

    I’d definitely agree in most spots, but I do think this hand should enter our 3bet convo in this spot. Our ranges get really wide heads up, even with 36bb effective. And we need to expand our 3bet range so that we have some board coverage when called and the flop comes all low. To me, this kind of hand is an ideal one to help us expand that 3bet range.

    You could instead advocate for a more polarized 3bet range, which would then include your strong value and absolute trash, like 52 off, and move 5h6h into a calling range. But I prefer a more default merged strategy in these spots until I see that my opponent is overfolding to 3bets. If they’re folding a lot to 3bets, I may shift to making a hand like 5h6h a call and 52-off a 3bet.

    V is often opening 70-85%+ hands in this spot. We should thus be defending quite widely and finding something like ~15-20% of our range as 3bets. I prefer expanding my 3bet range to include hands like this one rather than a hand like A10off. It has more potential to flop well, gives you board coverage, and doesn’t have as many reverse implied odds.