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  • Ignition Poker and PT4 issues

    Posted by 7high11 on October 5, 2023 at 3:54 pm

    Wasn’t quite sure where to post this, but I wanted to get the info out there. I’ve been having a lot of issues getting the PT4 HUD to run on Ignition. Often I have to close out of the tournament (fully out of the Ignition software) and come back in for it to work properly (I do always start PT4 before starting the Ignition software but am still having the issue).

    This coincides with me having a REALLY bad run and my numbers just plummeting this summer. What I just discovered is that every time I close out of a tourney and then come back in PT4 records it as a different tourney. So even if I end up cashing, it has recorded 2 tourneys, one in which I didn’t cash and one in which I did. This was really driving my numbers down.

    I found them all as tournaments in PT4 where it listed my finish as “0”. I had to go into each of these tournaments and edit them to say that I won the same amount as the buy-in (i.e. net $0). When I finished all this, I found I was still on a bad run (or playing poorly), but not nearly to the extent I thought I was.

    So if you have been exiting and reentering tournaments for any reason go back through your database and find ones where you finished “0”. Your numbers may be slightly better than you thought!

    binkley replied 7 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • binkley

    October 6, 2023 at 1:30 am

    The PT4 hand grabber for Ignition definitely has it’s limitations. I’ve run into occasions where I never could get it to pick up hands for a tournament despite closing and re-opening the table and the software multiple times.

    Lately I’ve been playing more cash tables. I noticed that sometimes a player leaving the table will affect whether a hand gets recorded by PT4. It’s most problematic when a player loses their stack and then leaves the table immediately afterwards. A big hand where you won a big pot may end up getting missed by the hand grabber.

    For these reasons, I depend on downloading the hand history from Ignition and loading those into PT4 for a full record of my sessions. I maintain two separate databases. I have an “Ignition Hand Grabbed” database which I have active when I play. Then when the hands are available, I’ll download and import these into the default PT4 database.

    It’s important to keep the two database separate. Because if the hands are already in the database by getting recorded with the hand grabber, then PT4 will flag these as duplicate hands. PT4 will not record the opponents hole card information that is part of the downloadable hand history.

  • 7high11

    October 6, 2023 at 7:35 am

    Ah, interesting. I do usually download the entire tournament within a week to pick up the hands that the hand grabber missed. As you say, I may get 200 duplicates and only 8 new hands that it had missed. But I’ve always done it into the same database. I didn’t realize that if I kept a separate database I could see the hole cards. I know that if i just look into the hand history on Ignition I can see the hole cards. But never thought about it in the terms you describe. Thanks!

  • binkley

    October 6, 2023 at 11:03 pm

    Being able to find out villain’s hole cards is one of the best benefits of playing on Ignition. Hopefully, keeping the hand grabbed and downloaded hands in separate databases will solve the issues with tracking your actual winnings.

    You have to remember to make the hand grabbed database active when you are playing. If you forget and the hand grabbed hands go into your default database you can purge the hands from the database once you get the hand history downloaded from Ignition.

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