At RecPoker, we believe that we’re better together—and we approach learning in the same way. There are other sites out there—including some of our fantastic learning partner affiliates—that provide insights and expertise from knowledgeable pros. Many of us are members of these sites, and we don’t intend to compete with them. Instead, we think we can build on and complement these amazing resources by providing personalized insights, perspectives, and support by Rec players for Rec players. Our learning resources are broken down below.
Each week, RecPoker produces two podcast episodes. Chats (now live on YouTube) feature a conversation with someone in the poker world as well as community updates. Forums digs into strategy questions from our community.
The RecPoker Deep Dive is designed to take on one strategy topic each month as a community. We’ll host play-and-learn sessions, produce strategy videos, and bring you Q&As with some of the best in the game.
RecPoker hosts almost a dozen different study groups—from book studies to hand histories, you’ll find the right group to meet you where you’re at and support you as grow with other players who love the game (you must be logged in to see these).
RecPoker has a number of relationships with major training sites. In addition to discounted links with our partners, our premium members get access to short content segments to get a better idea if they want to join. We call this Learning with Partners.
Your RecPoker membership not only gives you access to the latest learning materials, but you can find premium and free content on a huge variety of topics. Check it all out here.
RecPoker Study Groups
(You must be logged in to see these groups, most are reserved for RecPoker Premium Members.)