ACR low stakes hand 230605.1
Posted by hawkplays85 on June 5, 2023 at 4:58 pm.01/.02 ACR hand Seven handed
UTG 109 BB MP 100BBUTG open to 2 bb (only have 8 hands on them, so unknown)
MP 3bet to 8BB with 9h9c
UTG call so 17.5 bb potSo I have UTG on QQ-22,AQs-A2s,KQs-KTs,QJs-QTs,JTs,T9s,AQo-ATo,KQo 14.4% and 177 combos.
Flop comes 8s 7c 6s
Opponent checks I consider a small bet, but I don’t know what I’m targeting besides draws, and not sure they would continue with pp<board.
I think they continue with what is beating me, and fold what isn’t unless there is a size I could get from the small pairs. I get knowledge of what they likely have with a bet, but can’t get value in my mind.
Flopzilla says I’ve got 69.562 equity here, I’m ahead and maybe need to find a sizing that had a chance of working, and may have been seeing ghosts.
so Check check
Turn comes Td; 8s,7c 6s
opponent shoves.I went from 100% confident preflop they didn’t have J9s to about 90% because I have not seen a shove with no hand at showdown at these stakes (sure they could all be getting through, and my sample size is small, but still).
So I am beating all but 4 hands (and I didn’t have them in the range to start. I’m thinking about the top of their range as sets and straights, .2 of those straights beat me (10% of the remaining 2 J9s).
Then they play their Flush Draw sand possibly the QJs as semi bluffs. I feel like this was an auto call, they are betting with something, but I am way ahead.
I call.was there a missed bet on the flop with that texture and am I missing something obvious on this call?
hawkplays85 replied 1 year, 8 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies -
4 Replies
So I think this is a high frequency cbet. We’re betting for value and protection. The protection side of this is key to me. I think we can get called by worse besides the lower pairs. Spades, overs with a spade, A8s etc. In fact, I think we only really fear a xR, but given how deep we are, we likely can’t even fold to that. I like a small bet to clean up some equity. I do think we can get a hand like KQ no spade to fold and that has value.
This is a bizarre line, but you do find this at these stakes. I can’t really see how we can fold though. If they got us, they got us.
I agree with Chris. C-Bet all day long. The flop check does nothing from an informational point of view (ie. narrowing villains range), nor does it make the pot bigger with a hand that’s likely the best.
The 10 on the turn is also a call all day, every day and twice on Sunday. Your 99 blocks all of the straights, so the likelihood of the villain having another one is dramatically lessened. J9 is possible but so is 9-5. Really small number of hands available.
His all-in is more consistent with either a flopped set or turned 10-10. Higher PP as well. Possibly 2 pairs. Possible flush draws.
Note, you currently beat all of these, excluding specifically J9.
I’d call without much thought and expect to win a very large majority of the time.
Agree with Chris this is a cbet. Not worried so much about getting value as much as we are trying to deny equity to overcards. As far as the shove on the turn this is an automatic call. I ran the range you put him on in Flopzilla and if he only shoves sets and straights it is a slam dunk call.
Inadvertently posted in the wrong thread:
After my mind blanking and not sure what I had to be missing. I call
River is Qc
Opponent turns over QhAc
With the discussion I felt I got something wrong for the long run (should have C-bet the flop).
I just kept feeling like I missed something on why they would shove in that spot that made my call bad.
Sleeping on it after a discussion last night I’ve come to this: I think on some level I just knew I was supposed to c-bet and then when the shove came and I had a blank mind moment I attributed my error to the call and not the missed C-bet.
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