AKo on a Dry Board… Show Me!
“I’d rather go to sleep broke than curious, so you’re gonna have to show me.”
At about 12:18 of this YouTube video Jaman Burton in his vlog gives some backstory and then makes this great quote. He’s from Missouri, the Show Me State. The hand that followed and his analysis had me into Flopzilla and GTO+ for a deep dive.
This is a $5/$10 cash game. We are in BU with one limper from MP and look down at AcKh. We raise to 40 and only the limper calls.
Flop (95) 9h9c6c
MP ck. Hero ck.
Jaman states that he is probably still ahead, but he opts to check back as he does not have a bluff. Pairs would not fold to a bet. Flopzilla and GTO+ agree.
Turn (95) 3d
MP bet 140. Hero call.
Jaman states that he cannot see how this card changed anything. There are no value hands in Villain’s range that should be making this overbet. Flopzilla agrees. GTO+ says we should fold this hand most of the time and call only a small amount to keep our entire range balanced. However Jaman is exploiting this soft table and this villain. GTO+ says we are indifferent between folding and calling anyway.
River (375) 5d
MP check. Hero check. MP mucks (as far as this video is concerned).
Jaman states that this river card changed the board a lot and was bad for us. Flopzilla agrees. GTO+ says we are indifferent between a call and a raise of 256. However in a balance range we are checking back much more often than calling.
What do you all think? I am attaching the Flopzilla and GTO+ files that analyzed this hand.
Jaman’s vlog is the best I’ve seen at analyzing hands in a way that we rec players can understand. He emphasizes how he exploits weak players. And he does it in an entertaining way. He’s a pro at both poker and vlogging.
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