Cash Game V Jams 100bb on Flop
Posted by monkiesystem on March 7, 2021 at 8:27 amI’m starting to dip my toe into cash games. I’m very inexperienced in cash games.
Yesterday in $10 6-max we got AA on BU. V UTG (57/11/4) opened 2bb. CO 3bet to 9bb. Hero 4bet to 20bb. UTG call. Flop KhJd2s on 61.5bb in pot. UTG jams 148bb. Hero has 134bb behind.
In retrospect this looks like an easy fold. But in this game for less than the cost of a Friday fish fry and being new to cash games I had to see what he had. He had JJ.
If he had KK I would think the money would have shipped preflop. He was limping a lot, and I think he would limp 22, K2s, J2s. Do you guys think that a 57/11/4 player would do this with KJ?
jim replied 3 years, 11 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply -
1 Reply
That’s really the only hand left isn’t it @MonkieSystem I agree he is limping a lot of those other combos and probably shipping KK. But part of the problem is that these are all still value hands that beat your one pair – once he overshoves the flop, the real question is what combos THAT YOU BEAT are continuing through that action as a shove? No matter how small a part of the preflop range they are.
FWIW players like 57/11 are just as likely to be limping KJ UTG too – hard to know with this exact player of course. If they are shoving JJ on the flop they are probably shoving KJ too. Make a note on these players and hope they keep showing up! This kind of play can be exploited by you in more than one way in the long term.
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