Do we always go broke here?
Posted by fivebyfive on January 27, 2022 at 1:40 pmWe’re close to the end of reg period with a 30bb stack. HJ opens for 2.2bb and we defend with Kc4c. Flop comes AhKh4s. We ck, V bets 1.5 bb, we xR to 6.5bb. V calls. (does anyone just flat this? I like a xR here because it protects a vulnerable hand, but we can get called by a lot of Ax that we’re ahead of)
Turn is the 6c. There are 18bb in the pot. We have 22 behind. I bet 10bb. I think we can still be called by worse. AQ/AJ/AT and maybe some heart combos. Is anyone checking or shoving here instead? Why? V calls.
River is the 2c. We have 12bb left. Board is AhKh4s6c2c. I’m still ahead of those same hands. I think I can never really fold, and the only hands I fold out by shoving are the hands that I want to bluff into me (hearts). So I check. V shoves. We call. They flip over AK.
I’m not really concerned about the result, more how to approach/play bottom 2. It feels bad to never xR here, but does it bloat the pot too much? Maybe we should check call turns? But we’d still likely be in the same spot. Are we just always going broke here?
sirgasleak replied 3 years ago 4 Members · 4 Replies -
4 Replies
My 2 cents,
Flop I play the same. Deffiently getting called by worse.
Turn not hating it. I don’t mind the lead especially after the xr.
Honestly I probably fold to the river jam. Sure we have 2 pair and it’s a painful fold but at this point we are behind sets, and better 2 pairs. Sure vilain could have busted fd but that may fold turn. Kx that floated the flop xr folds turn bet. Even with the spr I think we can still find a fold. The action suggests he either has us beat or air. And I feel like the hands we beat probably go out on the turn. Would be a good one to run through a solver forsure.
Don’t think you said but assuming we are in BB.
I don’t check raise the flop here. The board so heavily favors the preflop raiser. PFR has all the sets and top two pair which we don’t have. Best hand we could have is 44 for bottom set. Best two pair is A4. So K4 ranks as our 3rd best.
We usually want to include some draws/bluffs in our raising range. Best bluffing hands I see are JTs and 65s. Are we check raising with these hands?
I just ran the spot using RTP. It likes XR with K4 and 44. It mostly calls with A4. A lot of the bluffs are from bottom pair, 4x.
So this solver output wants you to go broke.
I think I play it exactly the same way you did.
Flop is perfect spot for a x/r. You’ll get value from lots and lots of worse hands and bottom 2 is vulnerable and benefits from equity denial.
You can’t fold that river. You’re getting like a million to one odds so you don’t have to be good very often. I haven’t run the combos but you probably only need a few combos of Ax and busted draws from villain to make this call.
I hate leaving myself with such an awkwardly small stack on the river so there might be some bet sizing changes we can make on earlier streets. Maybe a smaller flop x/r and less than half pot on the turn.
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