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  • Double Gutter

    Posted by black_spruce on December 18, 2022 at 7:46 pm

    Day 2 of a 2-day online MTT. We are ITM. Average stack is around 15 BB. I’m probably around 60th of approximately 180 players remaining.

    BTN: 24.48 BB
    SB: 10.04 BB
    BB: 9.47 BB
    UTG: 30.8 BB
    Hero (UTG+1): 18.58 BB
    MP: 0.1 BB
    MP+1: 9.57 BB
    CO: 16.64 BB

    Dealt to Hero: QcJh

    Hero raises to 2 BB, BTN raises to 4 BB, Hero calls 2 BB, everyone else folds

    Flop: Td8sAc

    Hero shoves

    1. Better to fold, limp or open-shove instead of min raising pre-flop?

    2. Once I’m 3-bet pre-flop, better to fold or shove instead of calling?

    3. With a double-gutshot straight draw, better to check or bet small instead of shoving?

    Open to these and any other thoughts.


    fivebyfive replied 2 years, 1 month ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • elvida

    December 19, 2022 at 10:01 am

    So here’s my take…Presuming no significant pay jump anytime soon given the number of people remaining…

    QJo is probably a fold, as it is at the bottom of your range. If you are going to open it, I think that a min raise is fine with a plan to fold to a 3b!. If you are not going to fold to that 3b! then just jam pre and take advantage of fold equity. If you DO still call, the SPR is ~2. Any bet is committing, so if you are going to bet you might as well jam but I think checking and seeing what happens is a better route.

    Bottom line is I am not sure you want to be in this position as there are likely better spots. Probably best to fold pre.

  • rabman50

    December 19, 2022 at 1:07 pm

    From a chipEV standpoint opening QJo is okay but calling a 3bet is outside of solver approved land. The 3bet is small but it screams of a bet to induce or build a pot and not a bet that is trying to get you to fold. I would disappoint the 3-bettor by folding. We need to consider our opponent’s range. Is he capable of 3betting light? Were you hoping for a fold or a call on the flop?

    1. Min raise is fine with the intention of folding to a 3bet

    2. Fold to the 3bet

    3. Check and fold to a jam. You may be able to call a small c-bet but I hate this spot.

  • fivebyfive

    December 19, 2022 at 3:34 pm

    From a pure Chip EV perspective, this is an open and fold to 3b. Even a minclick one like this, IMO. There isn’t a ton of ICM in play yet, but there is some. Especially considering that we have slightly above the tournament avg stack and that we are all quite short with this many remaining. This is going to start to move quickly and there is a lot of pressure on players to get their stacks in. We have three stacks behind us in that that 9-10bb range. From the non-BB spots, they should be shoving something like 55+, ATs+, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, AJo+, KQo, but many players will widen to include a lot more Ax in this spot. Basically, we’re so early and we’re near the very bottom of our opening range and we have stacks behind that are looking to get it in. I think I’m just folding this pre and looking for a better spot.

    Once I do bet, I’m folding to the min-click 3 bet. This is a very strong play, and as suggested, we are near the bottom of our range. I’m just folding. This is too hard to play postflop OOP on a very short stack. But if I did call and get to this flop, I still like checking. We’re never getting Ax to fold here, and most everything else may check this back. I’ll take the frequent free card and fold to further aggression.

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