Heads Up Homegame addition
Hi everyone,
Just took 2nd in the homegame and was curious how you all would of played this interesting spot. We start the hand both approx. 65bbs deep. My knowledge of the villain is that he plays his hand pretty face up. If he checks he is weak, if he bets he normally has it, I have never seen a bluff playing him in these homegames. (Obviously all players are capable of bluffing just this specific player is on the lower end of bluffs).
Pre Flop:
I am in the SB and look down at 6s 4d. I elect to complete (I think there is an argument to raise here because I am lower on my range) and the BB checks. Approx. 3bbs in the bot
Flop: Is the 6d 4s 3h.
Fantastic flop for my exact hand. The Villain leads 2.6bbs into the pot of 3. I elect to call. I think once again I could reraise here to charge straight draws and put pressure on 2 overs. I did just decide to call though. 8.2 bbs in the pot. (approx 61 bb behind)
Turn: Is the Js
This card in theory should not change the hand that much. Villain however decides to over bet the pot and bet 11bbs. This is where I get really confused. I do think jaming here is just incorrect from my standpoint. I think I am only called by hands that beat me (An argument could be made for 62 over betting here or possibly over pairs). But I do think jaming would just be incorrect in this spot. I do however think my hand is way to strong to fold so I elect to call the 11 bbs. Appox 30.2 bbs in the pot (approx 50 bbs behind)
Turn is the 10c
Once again this card should not change the hand that much at all. Backdoor flush missed. Super unlikely that he has J10. The Villian does apply max pressure and overbet jams 50bbs into a pot of 30.2. So What do you do in this spot. It is really hard to make pairs heads up, it is super hard to make two pair heads up. I use almost all of my timebank going through what he could possible do this with. Can people help me come up with hands that I am beating here. I think the only thing in my head is 62 and possibly over pairs. If I call I win the tournament if I fold I am looking at a 80 to 50bb deficit plenty of deep to make a comeback. I ended up folding.
Thoughts on how I played the hand, should I be making the call on the river. If I am folding here what hands am I calling with. Am I only calling with 75 and 52 here. I did end up showing my hand (what I never do and you should never do in general) and he flipped over KK. Damn
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