ICM in big fields
Posted by jamin96 on October 12, 2023 at 9:20 amQuick general Strat question. 15bb folds to us in Middle position. 10 from the money in a $30 buyin +2000 player field. Min raise or shove if we open? What do our ranges look like? If we open and get shoved on what’s our calling ranges if we are well covered?
monkiesystem replied 1 year, 4 months ago 3 Members · 10 Replies -
10 Replies
I did some quick calculations to get a better feel of the situation. Assume 2500 left and 15% get paid. That means 375 get ITM. 10 away would be 2.7% of the remaining field. This makes it a high ICM spot where we are incentivized to play extremely tight.
I think it’s valuable to know more. Where does our 15bb stack put us relative to the field? Top 20% Right in the middle? Bottom 20%? How short are the shortest stacks?
I don’t have exact numbers but we can make some up for fun!
Let’s say bottom 20% of the field in stack size and lots of short stacks under 10bb
Agree with @binkley . We need to know our stack size relative to the whole field. In addition to that, we need to know the stack sizes of the players left to act preflop. How are they playing? With that additional info we have everything we need to plug into Hold’em Resource Calculator.
Ok I like it!
Let’s say table average is 25bb. Two 40 blind stacks, one other stack at 15bb and the rest at the average excluding ourselves of course with 15.
No obvious reads at the table but let’s say nobody is concerned with ICM or they have very little knowledge of it.
Hopefully this helps!
With the read that nobody cares or is aware of ICM, then I think we fold almost everything and wait for the bubble to burst. To me, that means players are more likely to make big mistakes and bust in spots that ICM aware player would not. I would just play AA and KK as a jam and fold everything else.
How many of the 40bb stacks are yet to act preflop? We play tighter if big stacks can get into the pot with us.
Yes both the big stacks are yet to act in this example
Ok heres the hand enough dancing around it lol
This is exactly what I meant by big ICM mistakes by the field. Disaster for a big stack to bust out so close to the money. If we fold, we save our 2bbs and let the field take out each other.
Do the bounties affect our decisions in these ICM spots?
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