Interesting Ruling
Posted by aceragoff on November 28, 2022 at 2:15 pmSo more interesting for the ruling vs strategy.
At the Black Friday Special at Canterbury a player is eliminated at our table in Seat 6. Seat 7 puts out the BB, Hero(Seat 8) thought I was BB, but dealer confirms Seat 7 is BB. Cards are dealt. I fold 42dd assuming I am UTG. The button speaks up (tried to pre-deal as well), and says that I am supposed to be the big blind. Dealer pauses action before Seat 9 acts, eventually concludes that I should be BB and pushes me back my cards.i want to call the floor as I have acted on the strength of my hand (hoping for a misdeal), but dont want anyone in trouble and just post my BB. Seat 1 open to 2.2ish BB and it folds to me. I call. Flop comes AJx all diamonds. I check and Seat 1 jams and I call. Villain has AJ and we fade the boat.
That marks the only time I have won a hand after folding with pending action.
fivebyfive replied 2 years, 2 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies -
3 Replies
Not sure I would have called the floor either with the cards you had. If I had a hand that was stronger than that, that I would have played differently from the BB versus UTG, I think a call to the floor would have been warranted. I don’t know the rules, but in my mind that would definitely be a misdeal. In fact you shouldn’t have even got those two cards because he would have dealt them in a different order.
So a call to the floor would be legit no matter what cards you hold, but I understand not wanting to make a fuss. To me it wouldn’t have mattered because I likely would have folded that hand to the 2.2x raise, so either way I was out. (Not saying your call was wrong…probably correct from the charts, but I find myself having a tough time playing a hand like that post flop (unless it flops like it did for you!)).
The deal was definitely right the player to my right did get dealt the first card. I wanted to ask about a misdeal.
I shouldnt have called. Especially given my stack size. As much as I didnt want to raise a fuss, I thought the ruling was ridiculous to push me back my cards as it obviously caps my range.
I would have asked for the floor. Mistakes happen. I wouldn’t be rude about it, and I don’t think the dealer would or should get in trouble, but you really can’t play a hand where positions start shifting after action has taken place.
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