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  • Iso Jam Squeeze: Good or reckless?

    Posted by fivebyfive on October 8, 2020 at 10:31 am

    Since this is multiway month, I think this is an interesting spot to discuss. Last night in the home game, MarblesJam with a stack of 14k opened to 800 from EP at the 200/400 level. Apologies to the other player because I’m forgetting who it was, but they jammed over the top with a smaller stack at 2200. It folds around to me on the button. I have an 11k stack with AJo and I elected to jam myself.

    My thinking is this: This is a fold or jam spot for me here, I really hate the idea of calling here, even with the button. As to why the jam over a fold, the short stack has a wide range that I can often be ahead of here and MarblesJam has to fold everything but true premium hands. Plus, my A blocks a number of those holdings.

    In this case, it half worked. MarblesJam showed AK and folded, but the other player had AK as well and scooped the pot.

    So questions:
    1. Do you like this play? I think this is the weakest hand I would do this with, but what do you think? Good play or reckless play?

    2. What is the weakest hand you would call in MarblesJam’s spot?

    taylormaas replied 4 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • yamel

    October 8, 2020 at 12:04 pm

    I would definitely not have thought of a jam here, but after reading your take, I do like it and should add it to my game! I agree it puts the EP opener in a tough spot and that shortstack jam can be super wide.

  • taylormaas

    October 8, 2020 at 1:38 pm

    Generally speaking, I think a ton of recreational or less experienced players don’t make this move, but they should!

    There’s a lot of hands that we want to play in this spot but do not do well with a call. If we decide to call in this spot, the EP open does one of two things; 1) they call behind. Which makes it difficult for us to play for a few reasons, we let them have great odds on a call and we are playing into a dry side pot so it will be hard for us to extract value from our opponents. 2) They jam over the top of us. Which unless we are trapping, almost always forces us to either make a bad call or a fold.

    If we instead jam, we put pressure on the EP open. They have to decide if they want to play for almost their whole stack, and without a premium hand its a tough decision. If they fold, we now have extra chips in the pot and only have to play one opponent. In Chris’ example, that’s an extra 800 chips for a heads up battle of an opponent who had 2200 chips. It makes our odds way better.

    And last, there’s a lot of hands we have in this spot that we want to call the all-in but don’t want to play multi-way. Such as JJ-66. Or maybe even 44.

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