KTo AGAIN?? Playing Live 1/3 @CasinoNovaScotia
Posted by jamin96 on May 31, 2023 at 6:31 amWe are back playing live! After a long winter of grinding online I convinced one of my best friends to go play poker with me at the casino. This was his first time every playing poker in a casino environment. We have played lots in live home games, but I wanted him to enjoy the experience of playing with a dealer in a live cash game. I may do another post on how to introduce people/how to approach the casino for the first time because it can be an intimidating experience.
Let’s get to some poker! We have sat down at a passive table; we had the option at the start at where to sit and we chose this table because the other table had a lot of players wearing sunglasses and hoodies. There were about 6-7 tables running in the room.
$1/$3 blinds and we have a good stack up to about $350 from our $200 starting stack. 2 limpers from EP to start this hand. We have KdTs and decide to raise to $20. How many are just folding? Can we make it bigger? Passive table that is not 3 betting much/lots of people calling pre I’m feeling confident on being able to navigate pre and post flop. The BB calls, one of the limpers call and everyone else folds giving us position in the hand going 3 ways to a flop.
With $64 in the pot, it comes AdTd3h. We have middle pair plus the king of diamonds in our hand. BB leads for $20, the limp/caller folds and its on us. Do we ever raise here? Seems like we can have a lot more aces than this player so why are they betting? We call, and we go heads up to a turn with $104 in the pot.
The turn comes Ac pairing the board for AdTd3hAc. I think this is a pretty good card for us, we still have flush draws to worry about but there are that many less aces that our opponent can have. He doesn’t slow down and bets $25 which is a weird sizing considering that he only has about $150 more behind. We call and the pot is now $154.
The river is a brick 7s. Board reads: AdTd3hAc7s. Our opponent bets again. I was expecting and allin and to be put in a difficult spot but instead our opp. only bets $50 out of his $150 remaining in his stack on the river. We go into the tank. This feels odd considering the opp. bet sizing. If he had an ace, why wouldn’t he go all in especially if he thinks he can get max value from a ten or worse ace?
As we are thinking he asks “did you miss your flush?” I thought this was odd because I probably fold my flush draws on the turn when the board pairs or I would raise on the flop. With this extra info in consideration, plus a gut feeling of knowing that something is up. Who calls and who folds?
jamin96 replied 1 year, 8 months ago 4 Members · 8 Replies -
8 Replies
Call all day, expecting to lose to an Ax or a pp bigger than 10’s. His bet sizing could mean one of two things. He either doesn’t know what he’s doing and is betting cause he thinks that’s what he needs to do or he’s betting to milk his low to medium strength hand.
If the second, he knows you don’t have a premium made hand and is betting small to freeze your hand from coming over the top. Unfortunately, his bets aren’t really defining his hand enough to make us 100% sure we win, so calling seems reasonable as played.
Flop or turn raise would have narrowed his hand a great deal more and allowed us to be more certain about what he held, especially on the turn when the 2nd A popped.
Ax is possible. 10x is possible. I’d take KK, QQ and JJ out of his range.
You win more than you lose. Call
Wrote up my thoughts and put them in a word document, still thinking about why I think the betting pattern signals so much strength.
KTo is too weak to iso in this spot. I prefer a fold. As played, on the river, we can call given the small sizing. Paired board makes Ax less likely and counterfeits T3 (which BB may or may not play). We beat missed FD and unimproved small pocket pairs. We beat Tx that might be betting with worse kicker. While we lose to Ax and sets, players will sometimes use small bets as blocking bets. Also players like to maintain the betting lead.
After my mind blanking and not sure what I had to be missing. I call
River is Qc
Opponent turns over QhAc
With the discussion I felt I got something wrong for the long run (should have C-bet the flop).
I just kept feeling like I missed something on why they would shove in that spot that made my call bad.
Sleeping on it after a discussion last night I’ve come to this: I think on some level I just knew I was supposed to c-bet and then when the shove came and I had a blank mind moment I attributed my error to the call and not the missed C-bet.
Hawk – seems like you posted to wrong thread. I assume this is the result of your 99 hand played on ACR. (I was also looking forward to these results as well. This is quite a surprising move by V).
I should not post after short naps. Sorry but yes it was the 99 hand oops.
I called they had 88s
This V made your decisions easier. You don’t have to figure out how much to bet and get value from a weaker hand. He did it for you. With his bets, he’s telling you exactly how much he willing to lose with his 8’s.
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