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  • MSPT BB Hand

    Posted by fivebyfive on December 11, 2022 at 11:26 am

    So I played the MSPT Day 1B this weekend. It was a roller coaster. From 25k starting, it is really helpful to end the day with 100k (or more). So I definitely use that 100k mark as a bit of a goal/benchmark as I’m playing. Anyway, it was a bit of a roller coaster session for me because I had 100k+ 4 times during the flight and got knocked down to crumbs or eliminated 4 different times. 3 of those were uninteresting AA v KK, AK v QQ, AK v TT. But here’s the first one that crippled me, and I’m wondering how anyone else would approach it.

    We have 105k at the 500/1000/1000 level (so we’re doing well). Mark Sandness is the V in this hand if you know of his play. He opens from a stack of 85k from the CO. We defend from the BB with 6h6d. Flop comes Ad8d5d. Ck ck. T is the 6s. Here is the first decision point. I decide to lead and go pretty big. I have a diamond, which is helpful and redraws to the boat if I’m behind. I bet 5bb into the ~6bb pot. V raises to 17bb. We call.

    River is a total brick (non diamond 2 or 3). We check, intending to call. V overbet shoves. We still decide to call. V has 97 for a turned straight. We can fold this and still have a very healthy stack. Is anyone finding the fold?

    imalouigi replied 2 years, 1 month ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • taylormaas

    December 13, 2022 at 7:17 pm

    I mean with certain reads we could maybe fold the river, but where I’m busting is probably on the turn. Given the action to that point and being out of position, I’m going to re-raise on the turn and either go all-in or commit myself to the pot with whatever size I end up using.

  • aceragoff

    December 16, 2022 at 7:33 pm

    Decided to stop being terrified of contributing since I am not a great player, but since this is RECpoker… take all my money i am calling.

  • elvida

    December 16, 2022 at 11:05 pm

    I don’t have much to add to Taylor’s summation. It is solver approved, and I guess it seems odd to fold on a blank turn to a jam. To do so is a large exploit that leaves you pretty vulnerable. Better have (as Taylor said) a pretty damn good read.

    Reason for my post though is that @Aceragoff I get being afraid of posting because you feel you are “not a great player.” Understand that if that was a criteria, I would also have to keep my mouth shut, and that is not going to happen (just ask @Binkley) . So post away. Discuss what you think. Accept that someone may say your line is faulty. Consider that what you say may be what someone else is afraid to post, and they will be grateful for your sacrifice for knowledge and understanding.

  • imalouigi

    December 20, 2022 at 10:42 am

    Never folding here vs. this specific opponent. It’s actually a terrible play on his part with a value hand as this is literally the bottom of your calling range. You have almost all of the diamond flush combos defending BB so he folds out most value hands and gets called by worse that beats him. I am probably snap calling the jam. Sick cooler on the turn 6.

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