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  • Recognizing Range Advantage

    Posted by rabman50 on July 25, 2022 at 4:57 pm

    In our studies we frequently talk about range vs range situations. Particularly the in-position (IP) preflop raiser vs the out of position (OOP) Big Blind. We talk about flop textures and how some are better for the IP player and some are better for the OOP player. The next thing we need to do is use our range advantage. This hand is an example of the hero playing passively when the texture of the board not only favors his range but favors his actual hand.

    Let’s assume the villain’s range is somewhat wider than a standard GTO range. We only have 34 hands on the villain and his stats are 32/19. A 19% range looks something like this:


    The hero check on the flop is standard with the intention of calling or more aggressively check raising. When the IP player checks the flop we can narrow his range to this:


    The hero can check the turn with the intention of check raising or he could put out a probe bet. Either of these are preferred over the action the hero actually took. With the range we put the villain on there are very few hands that can call the probe bet. When we failed to place the probe bet we should have check raised for the same reason.

    The Q on the river was a concern and our opportunities to win the hand were past so we meekly checked and lost to an underpair. The hero totally botched this hand. Hopefully a lesson learned.

    Yatahay Network – 120/240 NL (8 max) – Holdem – 8 players

    MP: 100.88 BB

    MP+1: 83.48 BB

    CO: 43.98 BB

    BTN: 69.25 BB

    SB: 97.32

    Hero (BB): 74.15 BB

    UTG: 79.16 BB

    UTG+1: 84.87 BB

    8 players post ante of 0.13 BB, SB posts SB 0.5 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB

    Pre Flop: (pot: 2.5 BB) Hero has 8d 7c

    fold, UTG+1 raises to 2 BB, fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, Hero calls 1 BB

    Flop: (5.5 BB, 2 players) Tc 4s 9s

    Hero checks, UTG+1 checks

    Turn: (5.5 BB, 2 players) 5c

    Hero checks, UTG+1 bets 2.75 BB, Hero calls 2.75 BB

    River: (11 BB, 2 players) Qh
    Hero checks, UTG+1 checks

    Hero shows 8d 7c (High Card, Queen)

    (Pre 51%, Flop 54%, Turn 32%)

    UTG+1 shows 3c 3h (One Pair, Threes)

    (Pre 49%, Flop 46%, Turn 68%)
    UTG+1 wins 11 BB

    imalouigi replied 2 years, 6 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • fivebyfive

    July 27, 2022 at 11:04 am

    The turn probe bet is one that a lot of players miss, I know I do. You just get into flow so often that it is so easy to continue that path on the turn. But it is one we should all try to do more. It’s especially effective against players that are pretty face up with their cbet checking range. We will keep the pot small and fold out a lot of better hands. I’d likely probe here on any turn card lower than a 7, even the spade varieties.

    I ran this in a solver and with this exact runout, we should be probing pretty frequently on this 5c—around 40% of our range on the turn.

    We should mostly be probing here with some of our best hands and some of our worst hands with decent river equity. So a lot of two pairs, Tx, flush draws, and straight draws (like 87o). We check through with absolute garbage, overcard holdings without the Ac or As and without gutshots/OESD, a lot of our condensed 4x/5x/9x hands without flush draws, and some stronger hands like a few sets, stronger two pairs, and some pair + flush draws.

    This all makes a lot of sense. It helps us fold out worse hands with holdings like 8 high that we have here, while preserving some strength in our check back range so that we can check raise some delayed cbets.

  • imalouigi

    August 6, 2022 at 2:05 pm

    We are not getting the right odds to call this turn bet with what could be the sucker end of a straight if the Jack hits on the river. Our straight outs are also not clean with 2 flush draws on the board.

    Sounds like you realized pretty quickly this call is a pretty massive mistake. I prefer fold vs. C/R on the turn.

    Very happy to get in a C/R on the flop but I also would worry that V is likely to check-back here often. I would consider a lead on the flop as you already identified this board greatly favors our range which we can represent (with only 8 high). Would likely double barrel on all non-Broadway turns regardless if I take a C/R or lead line on this flop.

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