Recognizing Range Advantage
In our studies we frequently talk about range vs range situations. Particularly the in-position (IP) preflop raiser vs the out of position (OOP) Big Blind. We talk about flop textures and how some are better for the IP player and some are better for the OOP player. The next thing we need to do is use our range advantage. This hand is an example of the hero playing passively when the texture of the board not only favors his range but favors his actual hand.
Let’s assume the villain’s range is somewhat wider than a standard GTO range. We only have 34 hands on the villain and his stats are 32/19. A 19% range looks something like this:
The hero check on the flop is standard with the intention of calling or more aggressively check raising. When the IP player checks the flop we can narrow his range to this:
The hero can check the turn with the intention of check raising or he could put out a probe bet. Either of these are preferred over the action the hero actually took. With the range we put the villain on there are very few hands that can call the probe bet. When we failed to place the probe bet we should have check raised for the same reason.
The Q on the river was a concern and our opportunities to win the hand were past so we meekly checked and lost to an underpair. The hero totally botched this hand. Hopefully a lesson learned.
Yatahay Network – 120/240 NL (8 max) – Holdem – 8 players
MP: 100.88 BB
MP+1: 83.48 BB
CO: 43.98 BB
BTN: 69.25 BB
SB: 97.32
Hero (BB): 74.15 BBUTG: 79.16 BB
UTG+1: 84.87 BB
8 players post ante of 0.13 BB, SB posts SB 0.5 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 2.5 BB) Hero has 8d 7c
fold, UTG+1 raises to 2 BB, fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, Hero calls 1 BB
Flop: (5.5 BB, 2 players) Tc 4s 9s
Hero checks, UTG+1 checks
Turn: (5.5 BB, 2 players) 5c
Hero checks, UTG+1 bets 2.75 BB, Hero calls 2.75 BB
River: (11 BB, 2 players) Qh
Hero checks, UTG+1 checksHero shows 8d 7c (High Card, Queen)
(Pre 51%, Flop 54%, Turn 32%)
UTG+1 shows 3c 3h (One Pair, Threes)
(Pre 49%, Flop 46%, Turn 68%)
UTG+1 wins 11 BB
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