Top Pair middling kicker
Hello All,
I have recently started playing in a local $60 charity tournament that’s put on by a local bar league (Eastern Poker Tour or EPT). Most players in these tournaments are the type of players you would expect to find in a bar league, minus the drinking.Two Saturdays ago I found myself playing this hand. I’ll give context of where my mentality was as well, which I think played a big part in the decision making.
Context: I had been lingering in the tournament most of the night with the occasional small win, but mostly being card dead when I suddenly got smacked by the deck. In a 3 level (15 minutes/lvl) period, I went from ~10-11 BB stack to about 150 BB stack. I think we played ~30 hands, and I only folded 2 hands preflop, getting mostly JJ+. I think the worst hand I played was KhTh from the BB with 4 limpers where one opponent turned a flush, shoved for 8 BBs when I had two pair and ~110 BB, and riverred a boat. It was that kind of run and I was flying high on the excitement after personally knocking out 12 players to help get us here.
On to the hand: We had just broken from the previous table to start the final table. This was the first hand at the final table, blinds were 4k/8k with no antes 9 handed. I was chip leader with ~500k in chips, second place was to my left in the small blind with 150k stack(villain). Table folds around to me on the button and I look down at KhJc and raise to 20k. Villain raises to 60k, BB folds and back to me. I don’t think too long before making the call. Flop comes, KT6r. Villain shoves for his remain 90k. I tank for about a minute, but based upon how I’ve been running the previous 45 minutes, I end up calling. Villain shows AA and they hold up.
As I’ve gone through this in my head, and discussed with friends, I feel like that only place I really could have gotten away from this hand was to the initial raise preflop. I feel this way just from the stack size that I had, where after this hand I was still chip leader. But it started a downward spiral and I ended up bubbling in 6<sup>th</sup> place where a couple times I ended up getting coolered (ie. I flopped top two pair (AK) to lose to flopped set of 9s). so those just happen. But did my mentality of “I can’t miss” affect my judgment on the preflop action and should it have been a red flag to see villain shove on the flop, meaning should I have paid more attention to his possibility to having AK, KK, TT, or AA even.
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