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  • Weird hand from $6.30 Bounty Turbo

    Posted by jamin96 on June 26, 2022 at 8:19 pm

    Hey gang!

    Back again with another hand history. I will be trying to post a hand a week for my own personal review and for anyone in rec poker nation who wants to make a suggestion on how to play in certain spots.

    We are deep in a Saturday evening MTT on GG Poker the $6.30 Mini SUPER SIX Bounty Turbo. We have built a nice stack and this event has a big guarantee and a lot of runners. Starting bounties are $1.50 and we have grinded ours up to $6.75. We have paid for our buy-in plus some change, we are not in the money yet but we are getting close. We are 6-handed and we cover everyone at our table.

    Blinds are: 1250/2500 350 ante

    Our stack: 160 620 (64.2BB)

    There is a big stack on our right (second in chips to me) who is our main villain in this hand and they raise to 2BB in the CO. They have 118 758 (47.5BB).

    We have KhJh on the button and our first decision. Should we 3-bet? Our opponent is VPIPing at 38% over 65 hands. They haven’t been afraid to get involved especially in big pots and they have been calling light for bounties. I like 3 betting but it blots the pot vs an opponent with a big stack. Always nice to squeeze out the blinds but they are VPIPing a much lower percentage of the time and I’m feeling good about them just folding especially given that they are covered by me and the original raiser. Curious to see what everyone thinks but I decided to just call.

    Both the blinds fold and we see a flop: KdKs7c with 15 850 (6.3BB) in the pot.

    Obviously I was very happy to see this flop. We have position on this player and have whats most likely the best hand. They did raise pre flop so there is some better Kx in his range but with a K in our hand theres a low chance.

    They check and we check. With no real draws I want to let a card come off that he will hopefully hit so I can get some value for my trips.

    Turn is: As making the board: KdKs7cAs

    Now I’m excited because now I’m hoping that they have Ax so I can get some chips in the middle. Of course there are some monsters under the bed but with such a great card on the turn that he can hit I’m looking to get some chips in. I have him covered and he has the second largest bounty at the table $6.19.

    They bet: 5 231 (2.1BB), we raise 20 462 (8.2BB) and they call. Are we worried about this call? Does this narrow their range?

    Turn: 7d for a final board of KdKs7cAs7c

    Pot is: 56 774 (22.7BB)

    Our opponent checks. They have 93 296 (37.3BB). We have 135 158 (54.1BB)

    We have boated up but I’m not as confident in how I’m going to proceed. We chop with Kx but they could have some 7x that we could get value from. Theres also some of the aces that will call but the question is how much? I would feel silly to check back and have him role over a strong ace or a 7.

    Still not sure about my decision and want to hear from everyone before I share what I actually did.

    Happy hunting!

    fivebyfive replied 2 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • fivebyfive

    June 28, 2022 at 10:12 am

    Fun hand. I don’t mind the flat on the BTN in this spot. I’m more likely to 3! some of my KJo hands and then some worse Kxs hands (K9-K6).

    On the flop, sure there are hands that beat us, but I much prefer a small bet here. We want to build a pot. And by betting small with many of my Kx combos, I can also do some betting with some hands with backdoors etc. QJs/QTs etc.

    But we go ck/ck and the As comes. I agree with you that this is good for our exact hand and V can have a lot of Ax, especially suited Ax with backdoors. (this also means that when they call our xR we shouldn’t be all that scared of a third spade if it comes on the river. The only spades that sometimes get to this river after the xR are turned combo draws like QsJs or JsTs. But that’s all a side note since no spade comes.)

    River the 7c double pairing this board. We lose to AA/AK/77, but I think AA finds a bet on the flop and AK/77 find a 3! on the turn. I’m not scared of much and if they have one of those hands, good on them. The more likely hands that call our xR are Ax, a few combo spade draws, Kx, and a very few sticky 7x. Kx doesn’t matter, they’re calling no matter how we size it. Neither do the spade combos, they’re folding no matter how we size it. So when we bet here, we’re targeting either Ax or 7x. I think there are far fewer combos of 7x than there are of Ax here. So I’m personally going after Ax. If this were a non-bounty tournament, I’d bet small. If this player that you said goes after bounties covered us, I’d go for it and jam to try to get a curious call from Ax. But since we cover them and can’t offer up our bounty, I go back to liking the small bet.

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