Hi! I can help you improve your game by evaluating your submitted videos (either playing yourself or others). I’ll review the play and return a longer video to you with full commentary added. The returned video will typically be around 1.5-2 times as long as the submitted video, as I’ll pause throughout it to share my thoughts.
Here’s How it Works:
- Choose the number of minutes of video you will be submitting; the cost is $1.25 per minute
- Complete checkout and payment and email me at to arrange video submission details
- Submit the video via my google drive and confirm the successful upload via email
- Three weeks turnaround is guaranteed but your finished video will often be available sooner.
- All Video Reviews of 90 minutes or longer include a free follow-up review meeting via video-chat!
Some editing is permitted to reduce the length, but the best analysis will include understanding the table dynamics and the complete range of hands played and folded. This is great for street-by-street and hand-by-hand analysis, so I strongly recommend taking a full chunk of the tournament or cash session played, rather than splicing together pieces. If you want to record your own real-time thought process as accompanying audio, go ahead and record as you go – I’ll keep the sound turned on so I can engage with your decision-making, but try not to talk the whole time as that will make it harder for me to respond to your points. This is a really fun way to learn together and if your submitted video is 90 minutes or longer, it includes a one-on-one Zoom review session afterwards!
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