RecPoker Public Discussion from March 2021

Every once in a while a month has a fifth Wednesday – in these cases we take something that would normally be a Premium event and turn it into one of our Public Discussions! This month we held an Online Review and Hang (ORaH) where we invite the final table players from a recent Tournament of Champions to join the panel and discuss the final table play hand by hand and street by street as it plays out – we had a great time with a fun group this month talking about bet sizing, player tendencies, ICM, and more! Plus special guest Merv Harvey from the Postflop Poker Podcast pops by to share some thoughts about poker and puppies with our newest RECing Crew member Kim “PetVet” Kilroy. Why not join us next time? go to for more details.

RecPoker is a vibrant and encouraging poker learning community. We are committed to learning the game, but our priority is building healthy relationships where we can not only grow in the game, but grow in our enjoyment of life. The membership website at is awesome, but it’s just a tool to help us build that community. You can join for FREE, giving you access to the groups, forums, and other member benefits. If you want to enjoy the premium content, or become part of the RECing Crew, those options are available and you can get $10 off your first payment using the code RECPOKER.

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  1. I’m sorry I missed the recording.
    Great commentary and analysis overall.

    There were definitely some cool spots along the way.
    — my AK to bust two players. I’m not sure if I call there very often. That particular spot seems like a fold.
    — I remember running pretty decent against @SteveFredlund in sb vs. bb spots.
    — limping KK in a sb vs. bb spot against Steve….why not?
    — hitting the full-house with J7 and getting Steve to call my river bet with a weak pair!!!