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  • Big Stack — 6 handed

    Posted by arw on August 20, 2020 at 3:03 pm

    12 left

    200/400 + 50

    We are 6 handed,

    I have 30,000 chips.

    4 of the 6 stacks have less than 10,000 chips.

    Our villain has 17,500 chips.


    UTG folds

    Villain limps 400

    Hero checks the big blind with 5d7s.



    Pot size is 1300

    Hero checks, Villain checks



    What should hero do on the Turn?

    1) Check

    2) Bet 700

    3) Bet 1000

    Future Action

    If hero checks and villain bets 1000, What should hero do?

    1) Fold

    2) Call

    3) Raise to 3500

    If hero bets 1000 and villain raises to 3500, What should hero do?

    1) Fold

    2) Call

    3) Raise to 8000

    jim replied 4 years, 5 months ago 5 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • steve-fredlund

    August 20, 2020 at 4:08 pm

    Will be interested what the wizards think; I’m still in check-call mode on turn and likely river.

  • binkley

    August 20, 2020 at 5:54 pm

    Interesting spot based on the possible ranges of both players. The limper from LJ (given it’s 6-handed) has a hand they want to play. But the limp either means they don’t think it’s stronger enough to raise or it’s really strong and they want to trap. For this reason, I would be surprised if hands like QQ or JJ would be in their limping range.

    Now facing a single limper, BB would likely raise with the top of their range, JJ+, AQ+. So the check caps his range. But his range still includes every other hand.

    Turn decision:

    Board: 4c6sQh5h

    BB holding 5d7s has a weak pair with a OESD. This hand has enough equity to check/call. A small bet ~35-40% may be fine to get folds from LJ hands that totally missed the board but still have equity against us.

    LJ likely continues with good flush and straight draws no matter the raise size. So big bet is bloating the pot OOP with a weak hand. I don’t like this option.

    If BB bets 1000 and gets raised to 3500, then this is fold with 5d7s. There are a lot of better hands in BB range that could continue.

    Possible value :87, 73, 32, 44,55,66,Q5,Q6,Q4

    Possible draws Ah7h, 9h8h, Ah6h, Ah4h, Ah3h, Kh7h. 7h6h

  • taylormaas

    August 21, 2020 at 10:45 am

    On the flop, we can turn this into a lead when it is a limped pot and heads up. I don’t mind the check either, but betting and taking this down right away is a win for us.

    On the turn, after our opponent checks back the flop. I’m almost always leading here and choosing a relatively large sizing. 1000 seems about right. If opponent raises us to 3500, I’m going to make a decision based on how i view this opponent. If its someone I know can put pressure on, I will always call here. If it someone that plays very straight-forward, its an easy fold. Against an unknown opponent, I lean towards calling and hoping to see a good river card.

    By taking this line they are representing a hand like 87/65/45/44/66/55. All those have either very few combos, or we block their likelihood (except the 87). And depending on the opponent, a lot don’t go to 3.5x with these hands. It would be a very polarized raise.

    If we instead decided to check, calling any bet they make is always the decision.

  • jim

    August 28, 2020 at 9:57 am

    Love this discussion. Now that we are doing these Forum Edition podcasts every week, what’s a good way to suggest posts for the pod? Maybe if people @ me with their suggestions I can move the posts over to the “Podcast” forum for a week or two before recording or something. Any ideas? There are so many good posts to choose from!

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