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  • Hand Steve played during the OPaH session

    Posted by jacob-kieke on December 30, 2020 at 1:44 pm

    Hello everybody, I am posting a message I sent Steve and he told me I should put this message on the forums from a hand played by Steve that was discussed in the latest OPaH that was posted.

    I just wanted to come on and say I really enjoyed watching the OPaH that you guys posted this week. I really enjoyed the discussion about 2/3 through the video about the breakdown of one of your hands against the Villain when you had AQ in the SB, Villain open 4.5x from early position and a player flat called on the button. You decided to 3 bet to 17 bigs off about a 40-45BB stack. Villain called your 3-bet. Flop was KJ4 rainbow, you decided to jam the flop and Villain called the last the 25ish bb jam with QJ

    I don’t know if this is the place for me to talk about the hand, I just think it helps me writing down my thought process of the hand but I really enjoyed the discussion you guys were having about it.

    For some background the Villain is a really wide opener and is very sticky.

    Pre-flop: The Villain opens to 4.5x what is a really polarizing range (obviously against this player his range is super wide.), I think the Button flat is a really cap range because I think the 4.5x bet pushes off a lot of suited connecters, Kx hands, QJ, a lot of lower pairs, I think they 3 bet there AA-JJ, AK, AQ possibly. So in my opinion there range is really 77-10, AJ, maybe KQss because of the flat to the polarizing bet by the Villain.

    You guys then talk about what you should do in this hand with AQ from the SB. I 100% agree with you thought process in that you want to push off the button flat and to isolate the Villain in this hand because of his general wide opening range. You decided to 3-bet to 17bbs what Im ok with but as we see in this hand there are a lot of really not fun flops that make this hand not fun to play post-flop and we are out of position. I think a jam is perfectly fine here. You guys mention you felt like it was a big jam of 40-45bbs but if Villain is willing to call a 3-bet of 17bbs with QJ he is willing to call off 40-45bb jam and we love where we are at if that happens (Obviously you will occasionally run into the monsters but you block AA and QQ.) Also feels like this really pushes the button flat range out of the hand. You are showing such strength jaming into a polarize pre-flop bet and a call of that raise.

    You guys also talk about calling the 4.5x bet out of the SB. You seemed really hesitant to do so because you wanted the flat caller out of the hand and to deny them equity. I agree with you 100% there. I honestly believe flat calling from the SB in this spot is your worst option. Once you flat, you really incentivize the BB to call. They only need to call 3.5bbs to win 14.5bb (ante included), me personally if I am the BB here I am calling so wide, just way to much implied odds. If we call we are probably playing a pot 4 ways out of position with a good amount of chips in the middle already. Even if we flop an A I don’t love the spot, you are probably getting it all in but we can be easily dominated by the ranges of 4 different people. I think call is your worst option here.

    You guys didn’t really talk about it but I think a fold pre-flop is fine here. You are out of position facing a really polarized bet by the Villain, you also in my opinion are facing a flat call range that is probably a flip situation against your specific hand. Its a nit fold but I feel that because of the large opening bet size and call behind. I think you can find a better spot then this and folding is reasonable here. I will say though I still like 3-bet jaming the best though.

    Post-Flop (KJ4 rainbow)

    As played I honestly think you can jam or check/fold and neither is bad against this opponent. Against a random person with no data on them I think I prefer a Jam here because I think you get a lot of folds plus even if you are called you have outs to the nuts. Against this Villain in pedicellar I think either options is fine. He called off the rest of his chips when he just hit a J. While your 3 betting range smashed that flop, you have AK, AA, KK, JJ, QQ all in your 3 bet pre-range what is ahead of what the Villain called with and the Villain still found the call with QJ, so in my opinion if he willing to call off the rest of his chips that light when your 3-bet range smashed that flop I don’t think you have much fold equity. I mean what hands do you 3-bet that miss this flop. AQ, 10s (I don’t think you would 3 bet 10s) and a bluffed A5ss. Against the Villain I think check fold is fine because you don’t have any fold equity in my opinion if he is willing to call off QJ on that board. Think that is one of your only hands though that you should check/fold though. Everything else is a jam in my opinion.

    Obviously I don’t know if all my though process is correct. I just enjoyed the discussion of it and this helps me with my game thinking about the scenarios. Once again thank you for all you do for the poker community this has really helped me through this time where I can’t play live.

    steve-fredlund replied 4 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • steve-fredlund

    January 1, 2021 at 12:36 am

    Thanks for posting; I am curious others thoughts. I felt like they would absolutely 4-bet jam preflop with JJ, QQ, KK, AA, AK so I put his range at two broadways, A8-AQ, and pairs TT to 22. I think he should fold a lot of his range on my jam and I might get called by this player by a few hands I’m ahead of (AT, QT); and I have outs against most of the others. I may have overplayed it but felt my play looked really strong and I would get hands like QJ/JT to fold.

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