Check your paired Ace on the Flop, UTG +2, or check/ check raise?????
Cash NLHE: $1/$2; avg stacks $300: Betting top pair on flop from early or middle position. Assume HERO has Ace d/Js offsuit and raises UTG+2, to $12 (standard opening raise for this game) and gets 3 callers (HJ, CO, BB)
Pot PreFlop $48:
Here’s my question: Bet 1/3 pot or Check and either check or check raise for value?
I have been experimenting with both plays. The home games I play in are loose aggressive overall, its not unusual to have average pots of $200 plus on a hand and board like the one presented.
My experiment has been checking ,then, call the opponents bet. On the turn i would apply more pressure with a 1/2 pot bet or more is the board turned more scary.
I see many players just leading out with a bet , when their ace pairs the board, and many opponents fold , thus losing value in the hand.
I don’t always check the flop when I have the Ace pairing up but switch it up for randomness sometimes being opponent dependent.
So, what do other players do: bet the paired ace on the dry board/ or check and re raise.
Thanks for your thoughts,
Raisy Daisy “Play every hand…you cant miss ’em all”
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